Seek the Balance!


Calved: 2018-02-15
Tattoo: 10208


BW: +.5
YW: +142
WW: +80
SC: +1.06
Milk: +25

$ Values

$W: +84
$G: +54
$F: +110
$B: +164

Purchased with Ingalls Angus and Bar JV Angus at the 2019 Sitz Bull Sale. PAP Score 37. Semen is available.


1st Generation

Sitz Stellar 726D 18397542
Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 18395931

2nd Generation

Mohnen Substantial 272 #17292558
Sitz Pride 200B 17776820
Sitz Top Game 561D #16559105
Sitz MIss Burgess 4381 16934054

3rd Generation

Connealy Final Product #15848422
Sitz Pride 308Y #17050218
Sitz Stellar 726D 18397542
Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 18395931
GDAR Game Day 449 #14691231
Sitz Pride 88T #15636920
Sitz Rainmaker 10899 16266466
Sitz MIss Burgess 1609 13263870